The most cost effective way of bringing our training to your department is by certifying one or more of your staff as instructors, thereby allowing them to bring the benefit of this program to your entire department on your own timeline and without the expense of having each person trained by us.

Our certification courses provide a license to teach and utilize resources provided by us for copy and distribution purposes under limitations that protect the copyright and integrity of content over Minding the Badge curriculum.

These resources include:

  • PowerPoint presentations of courses
  • Printed instructor presentation guide
  • Instructor specific PowerPoint slides used with instructor presentation guide
  • Student PDF workbook, handouts, and situational simulation narratives
  • Instructor Research and Resources Guide
  • Any quarterly updates to materials, resources, or corrections are included free of charge

Certification courses take place in Fort Worth, Texas over a period of 1-4 days, depending on what course is taken. Travel and lodging arrangements are the responsibility of the individual or department seeking certification; however, we do provide suggestions that consider cost, quality, location, and safety.

Our certification equips instructors to teach various levels of students besides just first responders. These may include civilian personnel working in public safety, therapists and social workers, non-profit staff, high school students, training cadets, military, or spouses/family members of first responders.


The instructor certification course for Suicide Outreach: Resiliency, Intervention, and Recovery is required and included in the instructor certification training for Core Preemptive Resiliency and for Peer Support: Basic and Advanced Training. Certified instructors are required to teach Suicide Outreach: Resiliency, Intervention, and Recovery when teaching Core Preemptive Resiliency and/or Peer Support: Basic and Advanced Training but are also able to teach Suicide Outreach: Resiliency, Intervention, and Recovery as a stand alone course, independently. Anyone certified as an instructor for Core Preemptive Resiliency and/or Peer Support: Basic and Advanced Training will also be certified as an instructor for Suicide Outreach: Resiliency, Intervention, and Recovery.


Instructor Certification is currently offered only to active licensed/certified professionals (public safety, medical, clinical therapy, etc.), unless otherwise approved after your application and consultation. Non-profit entities receive a substantial discount.

Certification remains dependent upon the adherence to the guidelines set forth in the licensing agreement made upon the scheduling of certification. There is no limitation to the number of students a certified instructor may teach and there are no royalties or licensing fees required to maintain certification. Certification renewal is yearly and at a discounted renewal rate.

The first step in becoming certified is to check the schedule below of available training blocks for the course you are interested in being certified to teach, then fill out a request and we will contact you to schedule a phone consultation.

We offer various blocks of courses each month, which are limited to a maximum of 20 students in order to preserve the benefit of personal attention during audience interactive responses, surveys, and participation in situational simulations.


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