The challenges of being a first responder can take a toll on marriage and family life, and being married to a first responder has its own unique challenges. Our Minding the Marriage retreats provide a scenic and interactive weekend of therapy that features presentations by marriage & family therapists who are former first responders or spouses of first responders. Our retreats offer attendees an immersion experience custom tailored for first responders & spouses, and includes therapeutic options like breakout workshops, equine therapy, ropes course, take-home resources,  and lots of social networking in a relaxing and safe “off-the-grid” hill country setting with delicious meals provided--including a Texas-size cookout! We even offer an option for couples to privately or publicly renew their vows under the guidance of a minister licensed by the State of Texas.

Note: attendance is limited and early registration discounts run through September 27, 2019. Scholarships are available to couples who feel they really need this for their marriage right now, but cannot afford the cost of our retreat at this time. You can apply using this special quick form.

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